Chester, Vermont Seven Unit Apartment House The house is approx 120 years old, the two back apartments were added about 20 years ago they are 3 bedrooms each with their own furnace and hot water heater tenants pay their own heat and hot water. The main roof of the house is slate The roofs over the porches are asphalt. The foundation is stone - there are 2 basements, one for the front apartments with the main furnace and water heater and one for the back 2 apartments with their own water heaters and furnaces. Each basement has an outside entrance bilko doors. The outside of the house is Clapboard. The outside of the front potion of the house was painted during the renovations. The front of the house has mostly original windows, some storm windows. The house is heated with oil throughout. There is no gas. All the stoves are electric and all the tenants pay their own electricity. There is town water and sewer. The house is on approx 1.5 acres of property with parking for 12+ cars along the side and in the back, it is on a main street (rte 103), across from Chester Town Hall; an ideal location, walking distance to store. Good Numbers! Call or e-mail for more info. Owner/broker
MLS #2801839
MLS #2801839
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