I hope that everyone has enjoyed a happy and safe holiday season thus far. With the new year upon us, however, it is time to face the inevitable: the New Years Resolution. In 2008, why not make a few real estate resolutions? Here are some ideas to get you started:
Know your credit! Make a resolution to stay on top of your credit in 2008. Begin by getting a detailed credit report so that you know where you stand as the year begins. Check again at the end of the year to see how much your credit has improved!
Keep a budget. This can be a difficult one to stick to. Many people start the year with an idealistic budget, but soon let it go out the window – oftentimes, along with any hopes of saving for real estate investment! Begin with a goal of either setting aside a certain amount for a down payment on a real estate investment or putting away enough to make one extra mortgage payment in 2008.
Research real estate web sites. Be a snoop in 2008! Use web sites like mine to keep tabs on what homes in your neighborhood are selling for, where the foreclosures near you are, and what the general market is like in your area. When you are ready to make a real estate investment, you will already have a good feel for the local market.
Out with the old! Even if you are not planning to move in 2008, it never hurts to clean out your closets, garage, or attic and donate to charity. You’ll make your home more appealing to prospective buyers if you are selling, and you’ll feel more organized if you are staying put.
Best wishes for a very happy new year – see you in 2008!
For more information about Ludlow VT real estate, please visit ISellVermontRealEstate.com or call me at 802-353-1983. To begin searching for Ludlow VT homes, please use my complimentary MLS search!