With this week’s news coverage of the devastating fires in California, home fire safety is a most timely topic. Although we may not be at great risk for wildfires here in Vermont, we do tend to enjoy cozying up by the fireplace on a winter’s night – an activity that can be a big fire hazard. An important part of responsible homeownership is being prepared to both prevent a fire in your home and to rescue yourself and your family should there be a fire in your home.
This printable Fire Safety Checklist, provided by FireSafety.gov, is a great resource for determining what fire hazards may lurk in your home, how to reduce those hazards, and what to do if there is a fire. The Today Show also provided some useful tips to ensure homeowners would be prepared to evacuate their homes with little or no notice in the event of an emergency such as fire. These tips include:
Make copies of your documents. Either put them in a waterproof and fire-proof safe, or give the copies to a trusted friend or relative. Make electronic copies, as well. Remember that valuables left in a safe deposit box at a bank could also be destroyed in the case of a widespread natural disaster.
Get your insurance information in order. If disaster strikes, make your claim right away, and be sure to take pictures of the damage.
Prepare an emergency kit. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Gather essential items such as a battery operated radio, bottled water, food, medication, blanket, first-aid kit, etc.
Come up with a family plan. Again, do it now! Make sure everyone knows where the important documents are, and agree on a meeting place in case you become separated.
Many of these items are tips we hear over and over again, but they never really seem useful until a disaster strikes close to home. By the time that happens, of course, it is generally too late to put the tips to use. Preparedness now can save time and, possibly, lives later.
If you are thinking of becoming a homeowner in Ludlow VT, please call me today at 802-353-1983 or visit ISellVermontRealEstate.com. You may also begin searching Ludlow VT real estate here!
This printable Fire Safety Checklist, provided by FireSafety.gov, is a great resource for determining what fire hazards may lurk in your home, how to reduce those hazards, and what to do if there is a fire. The Today Show also provided some useful tips to ensure homeowners would be prepared to evacuate their homes with little or no notice in the event of an emergency such as fire. These tips include:
Make copies of your documents. Either put them in a waterproof and fire-proof safe, or give the copies to a trusted friend or relative. Make electronic copies, as well. Remember that valuables left in a safe deposit box at a bank could also be destroyed in the case of a widespread natural disaster.
Get your insurance information in order. If disaster strikes, make your claim right away, and be sure to take pictures of the damage.
Prepare an emergency kit. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Gather essential items such as a battery operated radio, bottled water, food, medication, blanket, first-aid kit, etc.
Come up with a family plan. Again, do it now! Make sure everyone knows where the important documents are, and agree on a meeting place in case you become separated.
Many of these items are tips we hear over and over again, but they never really seem useful until a disaster strikes close to home. By the time that happens, of course, it is generally too late to put the tips to use. Preparedness now can save time and, possibly, lives later.
If you are thinking of becoming a homeowner in Ludlow VT, please call me today at 802-353-1983 or visit ISellVermontRealEstate.com. You may also begin searching Ludlow VT real estate here!